Thinner, 3rd Generation Paper Now Available for Print Editions is pleased to announce the availability of our 3rd generation paper for the New Testament with Psalms available exclusively from our online store. This new paper is significant because it reduces the overall thickness of the 2nd generation printed volumes by 25%, reduces the overall thickness of our 1st generation printed volumes by 50%, all while incorporating enhanced durability for everyday use. Learn more on our New Testament with Psalms page.

The 2nd generation paper will remain available from our worldwide retail partners.

Mailing List is Now Available

In response to community requests, we are pleased to announce the availability of the email list. This list is intended for regular progress announcements as each book of the RASV is Refreshed. Find the sign up form at bottom of any page. We don’t need anything other than an email address. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Evaluating Interest in a New Edition of the RASV

In response to community feedback, we are considering a temporary edition of RASV while the Old and New Testament books of the ASV are being Refreshed. The limited scope of the availability is intended to provide a full printed Bible and is achieved by including all the Refreshed books that comprise the RASV, with the remainder of the books being supplied, unaltered, by the ASV 1901. If this edition would be of interest to you, please let us know via the RASV/ASV Hybrid Edition feedback form.

The RASV New Testament is now available from eBook retailers worldwide

The RASV New Testament with Psalms is now available from eBook retailers around the world, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo, 24Symbols, Bibliotech Education, Bookmate, BookShout, Booktopia,, Hummingbird DM, ITSI Education UK, Libreka, Libri, LIX, RedShelf, SpoonRead, VitalSource, Walmart eBooks, Wook, and many others.

Learn more about our eBook editions.

RASV Trademark Approved

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the federal agency for granting U.S. patents and registering trademarks. The USPTO advises each president of the United States, the secretary of commerce, and U.S. government agencies on intellectual property (IP) policy, protection, and enforcement, and promotes the stronger and more effective IP protection around the world.

We are pleased to announce the USPTO has formally approved the “Refreshed American Standard Version (RASV)” trademark.